Join The Fierce Founders to actualize the ultimate impact for you, your board, your organization, and your mission.

The Fierce Founders

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Let Go and Let’s Grow

We will start each meeting with an ask and a give. So what do you need for you or your organization to be successful this month and what can you offer among your own skills and gifts to others that is in alignment with your highest version of yourself.

Invite Other Founders:

You can invite any other female founders of nonprofits who may benefit from this supportive network.

Meeting Details:We will meet for an hour (or hour and half if needed).

The Fierce Founders forum is an interactive, fulfilling and compelling discussion around the challenges we face as women holding up half the sky. We will also celebrate our wins together. Of course.

From the creators of the
NGO Fast Track to Impact

Get Ready to Emerge, Evolve, Elevate and Expand